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参考文献: Loss of β-catenin in resident cardiac fibroblasts attenuates fibrosis induced by pressure overload in mice. In Nature Communications on 28 September 2017 by Xiang, F. L., Fang, M., et al.Merlin controls the repair capacity of Schwann cells after injury by regulating Hippo/YAP activity.In The Journal of Cell Biology on 1 February 2017 by Mindos, T., Dun, X. P., et al.BMP restricts stemness of intestinal Lgr5(+) stem cells by directly suppressing their signature genes. In Nature Communications on 6 January 2017 by Qi, Z., Li, Y., et al.. Phosphorylation by NLK inhibits YAP-14-3-3-int大连07-353 ACETYL-HISTONE H3抗体定制价格
Recent evidence suggests that β-catenin plays an important role in various aspects of liver biology including liver development (both embryonic and postnatal), liver regeneration following partial hepatectomy. HGF-induced hepatpomegaly, liver zonation, and pathogenesis of liver cancer.长宁区MAB374 ***DH抗体制备
When 尾-catenin was sequenced it was found to be a member of the armadillo family of proteins. These proteins have multiple copies of the so-called armadillo repeat domain which is specialized for protein-protein binding. An increase in 尾-catenin production has been noted in those people who have Basal Cell Carcinoma and leads to the increase in proliferation of related tumors. When 尾-catenin is not associated with cadherins and 伪-catenin, it can interact with other proteins such as Catenin Beta Interacting Protein 1 (ICAT) and adenomatosis polyposis coli (APC).
人体内抗体产生的机理?简单的说,就是B细胞里VDJ基因重排,然后在骨髓里要是被判定不会误伤自己人,就会被放到次级免疫***里,如果会误伤,那就给次机会改正,再不改的,直接***毙。 这样,出去的抗体不会误伤自己人,然后再接触抗原,B细胞成熟,抗体基因被AID酶给突变喽,然后亲和力提高的留下,降低的挂掉,周而复始的…… 这就是抗体的来源与进化过程。 据说是编码抗体的部分基因会重新组合,以产生不同的抗体。换句话说某种B细胞成熟后就只能产生一种确定的***,如果遇不到相应的抗原可能一辈子都没机会转化为浆细胞了。闵行区AB5622 MAP2抗体在哪里买
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Catenins are proteins found in complexes with cadherin cell adhesion molecules of animal cells. The first two catenins that were identified became known as α-catenin and β-catenin. α-catenin can bind to β-catenin and can also bind actin. β-catenin binds the cytoplasmic domain of some cadherins. 大连07-353 ACETYL-HISTONE H3抗体定制价格
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